"The lost story of a young Canadian-born Chinese woman who, in 1931, defies convention and bravely faces the powerful, male-dominated Wong Clan Association in an effort to extract herself and her children from a difficult arranged marriage with a mu

"The lost story of a young Canadian-born Chinese woman who, in 1931, defies convention and bravely faces the powerful, male-dominated Wong Clan Association in an effort to extract herself and her children from a difficult arranged marriage with a much older man."

These are illustrations I was asked to make for the Documentary In Search of Mah Hang.

 Initial sketches of Mah Hang and Wong Bo Chow.

Initial sketches of Mah Hang and Wong Bo Chow.

 Sketch from a portrait of Choy, Bo Chow, and Tommy (from left to right, top), and sketches of a young Tommy, May, and Choy (from left to right, bottom).

Sketch from a portrait of Choy, Bo Chow, and Tommy (from left to right, top), and sketches of a young Tommy, May, and Choy (from left to right, bottom).

 Initial sketches of the a passenger vessel (top) and a court room (bottom).

Initial sketches of the a passenger vessel (top) and a court room (bottom).

 "The lost story of a young Canadian-born Chinese woman who, in 1931, defies convention and bravely faces the powerful, male-dominated Wong Clan Association in an effort to extract herself and her children from a difficult arranged marriage with a mu
 Initial sketches of Mah Hang and Wong Bo Chow.
 Sketch from a portrait of Choy, Bo Chow, and Tommy (from left to right, top), and sketches of a young Tommy, May, and Choy (from left to right, bottom).
 Initial sketches of the a passenger vessel (top) and a court room (bottom).

"The lost story of a young Canadian-born Chinese woman who, in 1931, defies convention and bravely faces the powerful, male-dominated Wong Clan Association in an effort to extract herself and her children from a difficult arranged marriage with a much older man."

These are illustrations I was asked to make for the Documentary In Search of Mah Hang.

Initial sketches of Mah Hang and Wong Bo Chow.

Sketch from a portrait of Choy, Bo Chow, and Tommy (from left to right, top), and sketches of a young Tommy, May, and Choy (from left to right, bottom).

Initial sketches of the a passenger vessel (top) and a court room (bottom).

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