"The lost story of a young Canadian-born Chinese woman who, in 1931, defies convention and bravely faces the powerful, male-dominated Wong Clan Association in an effort to extract herself and her children from a difficult arranged marriage with a much older man."
These are illustrations I was asked to make for the Documentary In Search of Mah Hang.

Initial sketches of Mah Hang and Wong Bo Chow.

Sketch from a portrait of Choy, Bo Chow, and Tommy (from left to right, top), and sketches of a young Tommy, May, and Choy (from left to right, bottom).

Initial sketches of the a passenger vessel (top) and a court room (bottom).

"The lost story of a young Canadian-born Chinese woman who, in 1931, defies convention and bravely faces the powerful, male-dominated Wong Clan Association in an effort to extract herself and her children from a difficult arranged marriage with a much older man."
These are illustrations I was asked to make for the Documentary In Search of Mah Hang.
Initial sketches of Mah Hang and Wong Bo Chow.
Sketch from a portrait of Choy, Bo Chow, and Tommy (from left to right, top), and sketches of a young Tommy, May, and Choy (from left to right, bottom).
Initial sketches of the a passenger vessel (top) and a court room (bottom).